Have a Hapi HITEC!

June 27-30
Orlando County Convention Center

Meet with Hapi at Booth #1300 at HITEC in Orlando to learn how you can simplify integrations and allow real-time data sharing, as well as drive new demand by improving the guest journey through Salesforce CRM.

Hapi HITEC 2022 News

Exploring MDM Vs. CDP In Hospitality

Before you build omnichannel marketing strategies, ensure you’ve got a solid MDM process to centralize the data that will feed your CDP.

Hapi Hits Milestone Growth Steps In 2021

Despite a turbulent market, hotel companies continue to understand the importance of improving the data flow between their systems.


Maestro, Hapi Streamline Salesforce Connectivity

The Margaritaville Beach Hotel is the first to benefit from the integration, pulling single guest profiles to develop a 360-degree view of the customer.
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