It’s a Great Time to be HAPI.

May 17, 2019


It’s a wonderful time in the hospitality technology industry.

There are new entrants with innovative ideas, and there is a redoubled effort from the industry titans like Oracle and Amadeus to deliver enterprise-level cloud technologies. Hospitality companies are also embarking on their own internal technology initiatives to differentiate and compete with the changing landscape. Still, all parties are struggling to cope with the fragmented reality. With over 250 PMSs holding guest information around in the world in countless deployments, how can one bring it all together? Beyond that, there is so much more data relevant to maximizing the relationship with the customer that is never factored in. Where is my guest employed? Is he or she active on social media? Does he or she regularly leave reviews? Is he or she spending much time in the room? How does he or she book their stay? As frustrating as these unanswered questions are to innovators, vendors and hoteliers, we see a better way. HAPI is a data platform architected to securely collect and merge streams of data from systems like PMS, customer intelligence platforms, and IoT and expose them in ways that are considerate of privacy regulations like GDPR. It aims to fuel innovation throughout the industry, enabling all constituents to avoid the doldrums of collecting bits of data. Instead, HAPI offers a richer version of reality with less of the redundant integration efforts.

Learn more about how HAPI will change the way we will all view data and solutions in the coming years. It may be a lofty goal, but we aim to make everyone HAPI.

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