Hapi People: Meet Martin Sestak, Platform Implementation Manager

April 19, 2023


Martin Sestak, based in Prague, Czech Republic, joined Hapi in March 2022 after gaining experience on both the hotel operator side of the business at Hilton and the technology side of the business at Infor. Recently promoted to Platform Implementation Manager for Hapi, Martin manages the process of implementing vendor interfaces, overseeing complex integration projects involving hotel operators and various third-party solutions providers. 

We sat down with Martin to learn a bit more about him and his role at Hapi. Here's what he had to say:

Life Before Hapi

“I was always working with technologies. I started in the IT department at the Hilton Prague in 2003. Over 13 years, I changed several positions, opened another Hilton property in the city, and helped other Hilton hotels. My last role in operations was serving as IT manager for two Hilton hotels in Prague, along with two other colleagues. 

“After that, I spent three years with Infor, doing all kinds of interface installation and certifications, including the dusty PABX Systems running over ‘RS232’ serial interface!”

Life at Hapi

“At Hapi, my responsibilities are to onboard new customers or add more services for existing customers. My tasks are to get the PMS and vendor details for a Hapi interface, facilitate the interface installation, share the details with the PMS vendor, and schedule and test the interface functionality with them. We also work on many Hapi Guest CRM projects, which are more intense and require coordination with other Hapi team members.

“One project I am particularly proud of the whole team for accomplishing is our recent successful integration between SH Hotels and Hapi Guest. This was one of the very first integrations on the newest version of the Hapi Platform.”

Embracing Hapi Values 

“A Core Value at Hapi is Trust. I build Trust with PMS vendors, hotel IT teams, other technology providers and Hapi colleagues every day.”

Hapi-est Travel Memory

“On one of my most memorable trips, we took bicycles and rode to Vienna, about 400 km. It was a great summer week with friends. We enjoyed the ride itself, as well as wine degustations in South Moravia. On the last day, we ended up at the Hilton Executive Lounge. We took a shower first, of course.”

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